Reference project repository#
The main repository of Phoenix-RTOS is the phoenix-rtos-project. The project consists of the following GitHub submodule repositories.
Standard C library. Written from scratch for Phoenix-RTOS.
Building scripts, makefile templates, rules, flags definitions, target selection and toolchain.
Libraries for use in user space.
Hardware drivers.
Filesystem drivers.
Utilities for development PC (e.g. a tool for transferring system binary image to the target).
Microkernel repository.
LwIP network stack.
Linux (and potentially other OSes) applications ported to Phoenix-RTOS.
POSIX server; user space server that is providing additional POSIX features not provided by the kernel itself (e.g. pipes).
Tests based on our own framework.
USB stack (both host and device).
System utilities (e.g. native shell psh).
Phoenix-RTOS bootloader.
There are other directories and files directly in phoenix-rtos-project
- rootfs template,_targets/
- rules for building the system for each hardware target,_user/
- user applications are placed here. Some demos are available from the box - e.g. hello world, voxeldemo,mtd-utils
- outside tool for creating jffs2 partitions,riscv
- bootloader for RISC-V CPU,scripts
- bash scripts for running Phoenix-RTOS on simulators (e.g. QEMU),build.project
- bash include file, defines how to build the whole system, it is included by phoenix-rtos-build/,busybox-config
- configuration for busybox (baseline Linux based toolkit and shell),
- script for building using docker (docker allows user to not have toolchain on his or her development PC).