Universally Unique identifiers library (libuuid)#

Linux libuuid compliant library is used to generate unique identifiers for objects that may be accessible beyond the system. According to RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1 (Distributed Computing Environment) currently supported UUID format is variant 1, version 4 (randomly/pseudo-randomly generated).


General information#

Linux libuuid compliant library is used to generate unique identifiers for objects that may be accessible beyond the system. According to RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1 (Distributed Computing Environment) currently supported UUID format is variant 1, version 4 (randomly/pseudo-randomly generated).

Using libuuid#

To use functions provided by libuuid please add the library to the LIBS variable in Makefile and include the required header file. Below is a simple example, which could be placed in _user directory:

  • Makefile - linking with libbuid library.

NAME := uuidgen
LOCAL_SRCS := main.c
LIBS := libuuid
include $(binary.mk)
  • Source code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>

int main(void)
  uuid_t uu;
  char uuStr[37];

  uuid_unparse(uu, uuStr);

  printf("Generated identifier: %s\n", uuStr);

  return 0;
  • Sample result:

    (psh)% /usr/bin/uuidgen
    Generated identifier: 81fb691c-fb2d-4546-54ef-231edff56a7f

Running tests#

Phoenix-RTOS UUID Library provides the basic set of unit tests, which is available in phoenix-rtos-tests. It can be run for different platforms, here is the example for the ia32-generic-qemu target:

python3 phoenix-rtos-tests/runner.py -T ia32-generic-qemu -t phoenix-rtos-tests/libuuid/