

#include <fnmatch.h>

int fnmatch(const char *pattern, const char *string, int flags);


Partially implemented


IEEE Std 1003.1-2017


The fnmatch() function shall match patterns as described below. It checks the string specified by the string argument to see if it matches the pattern specified by the pattern argument.

The following patterns matching a single character shall match a single character: ordinary characters, special pattern characters, and pattern bracket expressions. The pattern bracket expression also shall match a single collating element. A \ character shall escape the following character. The escaping \ shall be discarded. If a pattern ends with an unescaped \, it is unspecified whether the pattern does not match anything or the pattern is treated as invalid.

An ordinary character is a pattern that shall match itself. It can be any character in the supported character set except for NUL, those special shell characters in Quoting that require quoting, and the following three special pattern characters. Matching shall be based on the bit pattern used for encoding the character, not on the graphic representation of the character. If any character (ordinary, shell special, or pattern special) is quoted, that pattern shall match the character itself. The shell special characters always require quoting.

When unquoted and outside a bracket expression, the following three characters shall have special meaning in the specification of patterns:

  • ? - A ? is a pattern that shall match any character.

  • * - An * is a pattern that shall match multiple characters, as described below.

  • [ - If an open bracket introduces a bracket expression, except that the <exclamation-mark> character '!' shall replace the ^ character '^' in its role in a non-matching list in the regular expression notation, it shall introduce a pattern bracket expression.

A bracket expression starting with an unquoted ^ character produces unspecified results. Otherwise, '[' shall match the character itself. When pattern matching is used where shell quote removal is not performed (such as in the argument to the find - name primary when find is being called using one of the exec functions, or in the pattern argument to the fnmatch() function), special characters can be escaped to remove their special meaning by preceding them with a \ character. This escaping \ is discarded. The sequence "\\" represents one literal \. All the requirements and effects of quoting on ordinary, shell special, and special pattern characters shall apply to escaping in this context.

The following rules are used to construct patterns matching multiple characters from patterns matching a single character:

  • The * is a pattern that shall match any string, including the null string.

  • The concatenation of patterns matching a single character is a valid pattern that shall match the concatenation of the single characters or collating elements matched by each of the concatenated patterns.

  • The concatenation of one or more patterns matching a single character with one or more * characters is a valid pattern. In such patterns, each * shall match a string of zero or more characters, matching the greatest possible number of characters that still allows the remainder of the pattern to match the string.

The flags argument shall modify the interpretation of pattern and string. It is the bitwise-inclusive OR of zero or more of the flags defined in <fnmatch.h>. If the FNM_PATHNAME flag is set in flags, then a / character ( '/' ) in string shall be explicitly matched by a / in pattern; it shall not be matched by either the * or ? special characters, nor by a bracket expression. If the FNM_PATHNAME flag is not set, the / character shall be treated as an ordinary character.

  • If FNM_NOESCAPE is not set in flags, a \ character in pattern followed by any other character shall match that second character in string. In particular, "\\" shall match a \ in string.

  • If pattern ends with an unescaped \, fnmatch() shall return a non-zero value (indicating either no match or an error). If FNM_NOESCAPE is set, a \ character shall be treated as an ordinary character.

  • If FNM_PERIOD is set in flags, then a leading <period> '.' in string shall match a <period> in pattern, where the location of "leading" is indicated by the value of FNM_PATHNAME:

  • If FNM_PATHNAME is set, a <period> is "leading" if it is the first character in string or if it immediately follows a /.

  • If FNM_PATHNAME is not set, a <period> is "leading" only if it is the first character of string.

  • If FNM_PERIOD is not set, then no special restrictions are placed on matching a period.

Return value#

If string matches the pattern specified by pattern, then fnmatch() shall return 0. If there is no match, fnmatch() shall return FNM_NOMATCH, which is defined in <fnmatch.h>. If an error occurs, fnmatch() shall return another non-zero value.


No errors are defined.



Known bugs#


See Also#

  1. Standard library functions

  2. Table of Contents