
The date utility provided as a psh applet can be used to print or set system date and time.

If used with -h parameter it prints the help message with possible arguments and parameters as follows:

Usage: date [-h] [-s EPOCH] [-d @EPOCH] [+FORMAT]
  -h:  shows this help message
  -s:  set system time described by EPOCH (POSIX time format)
  -d:  display time described by EPOCH (POSIX time format)
  FORMAT: string with POSIX date formatting characters
NOTE: FORMAT string not supported by options: '-s', '-d'

Date printing#

To print current system date execute command without parameters. Default format of date is <dayname, dd monthname yy hh:mm:ss>:

(psh)% date
Thu, 01 Jan 70 00:00:01

Printing accepts FORMAT string that describes how or what part of date should be printed. Available formats are listed further in this document. Format string should start with + sign.

(psh)% date +%H:%M:%S

Date setting#

To set date execute command with option -s and pass time in standard POSIX format (seconds since Thu, 01 Jan 70 00:00:00). Successful set of date prints newly set date.

(psh)% date -s 1630000000
Thu, 26 Aug 21 17:46:41
(psh)% date
Thu, 26 Aug 21 17:46:42

Note: -s option temporarily does not support FORMAT string, and it accepts

Date parsing#

To parse and print date without setting it execute command with option -d and pass @EPOCH parameter which is in standard POSIX time.

(psh)% date -d @1630000000
Thu, 26 Aug 21 17:46:41

See also#

  1. Phoenix-RTOS shell

  2. Phoenix-RTOS Utilities

  3. Table of Contents