MbedTLS Port#


General information#

There are stored adaptations needed to run mbedtls on Phoenix-RTOS.

MbedTLS is a C library that implements cryptographic primitives, X.509 certificate manipulation, and the SSL/TLS and DTLS protocols. Its small code footprint makes it suitable for embedded systems. For more information please visit the MbedTLS GitHub.

Supported version#

The supported version is v2.28.0.

Using mbedtls#

To use functions provided by mbedtls please place the specific mbedtls library in LIBS variable in Makefile and include the required header file. Below is the example of using mbedtls_aes_init() in user program hello:

  • Makefile - linking with all provided mbedtls libraries, You can use only required ones here.

    NAME := hello
    LOCAL_SRCS := main.c
    LIBS := libmbedtls libmbedx509 libmbedcrypto
    include $(binary.mk)
  • Source code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <mbedtls/aes.h>
    int main(void)
      mbedtls_aes_context ctx;
      mbedtls_aes_init( &ctx );
      printf("Hello World!!\n");
      return 0;
  • Note: Please remember that PORTS_MBEDTLS should be set to y in the specific building script in _projects directory or using an environment variable.

Running tests#

To build mbedtls tests please set LONG_TEST=y environment variable before calling build.sh.

In order to run the specific test please type in psh: /bin/test_name mbedtls_test_configs/test_name.datax, for example:

/bin/test_suite_ssl mbedtls_test_configs/test_suite_ssl.datax
  • Running all tests and parsing results isn’t supported in Phoenix-RTOS Test Runner yet.

  • The following tests require setting current date before running(using date command in psh, for example: date -s @1653990793), because of certificates’ creation date:

    • test_suite_ssl

    • test_suite_x509

  • Because tests use .datax files and most of them use data_files directory running tests is supported only on rootfs platforms.

Known bugs#

Currently, there are 3/2695 unresolved failing test cases in test_suite_ssl:

  • DTLS renegotiation: no legacy renegotiation,

  • DTLS renegotiation: legacy renegotiation,

  • DTLS renegotiation: legacy break handshake

There are also failing test cases not related strictly to problems with mbedtls: