Running system on armv7a9-zynq7000-qemu#

These instructions describe how to run a Phoenix-RTOS system image for the armv7a9-zynq7000-qemu target architecture using docker.

Note that, the build artifacts, including the system image, should be first provided in the _boot directory.

If you haven’t run the script yet, run it for armv7a9-zynq7000-qemu target.

See how to build the Phoenix-RTOS system image.

Running the system image#

Firstly, you need to have the docker installed.

How to get docker (Ubuntu 22.04)
  • Install required packages

    sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install curl \
    ca-certificates \
    gnupg \
  • Make docker packages available

    curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg && \
    echo \
    "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
    $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
  • Install docker packages

    sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
  • Check if Docker is properly installed (version can be different):

    sudo docker --version


  • To make calling docker command without sudo possible type:

    sudo groupadd docker

    Even if group docker already exists type then:

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && \
    newgrp docker
  • Check if running docker images without sudo works properly:

    docker run hello-world


    For more details and other instructions see

How to get docker (macOS)

You can find the up-to-date instructions on

To make this process simpler, below is an example of installation for Mac with the Intel chip:

Download the installer:

curl -o Docker.dmg ""

Run the following commands to install Docker:

sudo hdiutil attach Docker.dmg && \
sudo /Volumes/Docker/ && \
sudo hdiutil detach /Volumes/Docker

Then add the path to docker binaries to the PATH environment variable:

export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"

It’s recommended to place it in .zshrc startup script to export it every time during startup:

echo 'export PATH=/Applications/$PATH' >> $HOME/.zshrc
  • Check if Docker is properly installed by checking its version:

    docker --version
  • Check if running docker images without sudo works properly:

    docker run hello-world

    *If you see the following error: ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. you can try to install colima and check once again:

    brew install colima && \
    colima start

Now, with docker installed you can run Phoenix-RTOS using the following command:

./ scripts/

As a result, you should see psh (Phoenix-RTOS shell).

  • Note: It may take a while.


Why there is no need to install qemu?

All necessary tools including QEMU are provided in phoenix-rtos/devel docker image (run by script)

If you want, you can read more about docker containerization on

Using Phoenix-RTOS#

To get the available command list please type:



If you want to get the list of working processes please type:



To get the table of processes please type:



If you want to quit, you should click on the terminal window, press ctrl + a, release it, and next press the x key.


See also#

  1. Running system on armv7a9-zynq7000

  2. Running system on armv7a9-zynq7000-zedboard

  3. Running system on armv7a9-zynq7000-zturn

  4. Running system on targets

  5. Table of Contents